Alberta Seniors Deserve Better is a campaign by non-partisan organizations
Seniors are suffering in Alberta. Almost 90 per cent of all COVID-19 deaths in Alberta have been in people over the age of 60. The vast majority of these seniors died while in facilities-based care after weeks or months in total isolation without hugs from their families and loved ones.
The continuing-care system in Alberta and across the country has been in a state of crisis for years. After decades of increasing privatization, declining staff-to-patient ratios, and a chronically underpaid and stretched-thin workforce, the COVID-19 pandemic swept away any pretence of a functional care system. This crisis has thrown the myriad of dangers facing seniors into sharp relief. Seniors are suffering physically, mentally, materially and emotionally and far too many have died alone and too soon.
COVID-19 is not the only issue seniors face. Seniors struggle with poverty, loneliness, housing insecurity, lack of access to social services and more. All things the UCP government have made worse through cuts to public services, privatization, and selling off of affordable housing.
We need action and we need it now. Alberta Seniors deserve better.
Authorized by Friends of Medicare (780-423-4581) & Public Interest Alberta (780-420-0471)